Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Texas shooting highlights dangers of guns sold without background checks

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 Image result for Texas shooting highlights dangers of guns sold without background checks
Summary/Reaction: All recent shootings have been caused because people are selling illegal firearms to people and aren’t doing background checks on those that they’ve sold the weapons to. A west texas shooter, seth Ator, 36, failed a background check when he tried to purchase a gun in 2014, because he had been deemed "a mental defective" by a judge, according to law enforcement sources. He was later able to buy a gun from a private seller. He killed seven people and wounded 25 others on August 31 before being apprehended and killed by the police in a shootout. The person who sold Ator his gun is being investigated as an unlicensed dealer, according to a law enforcement source. If there weren’t unlicensed dealers and more background checks there wouldn’t be as many shootings.

Connection to US History: The connecting to history is the 2nd amendment. It connects to the 2nd amendment because in the 2nd amendment it talks about giving the people the right to bear arms, because of this it enables people to preform shootings.

Question(s): Do you think that the law for guns should be enforced?


  1. I think that guns should not be allowed for people unless they are in a police force or the military. If this happens, then I think that there needs to be more reinforcements to keep the people safe.

  2. I think that law for guns should be enforced to keep the community safe. People should be allowed to own a gun as a weapon used for self-defense but they must first get a background check. The Washington Post posted an article on Hillary Clinton claiming that 40 percent of guns are being sold illegally by unlicensed dealers. Overall, people need to get checked before they can own a gun.

  3. i think that guns should not be enforced to the public unless they have a very secure background check to keep our community safe from predators.

  4. I think that if guns were still to be kept around, there needs to be stricter laws and background checks to prevent guns from being in the wrong hands. The second amendment states that people have the right to keep and bare arms which in the past has allowed people to feel safe with the possession of a firearm, however, nowadays it is something that creates fear and other problems such as school shootings. Because of this I believe people should not be able to purchase dangerous weapons without proper background checks.

  5. I think laws for guns should be enforced, because the US has faced and experienced what happens when laws aren't enforced. There have been more mass shootings than days in 2019 which is a big issue. There should be an Amendment that goes in depth or changes the 2nd Amendment, or even allows a deeper background check. We don't need guns ending up in the wrong hands.

  6. I think gun laws should be enforced to everyone except for law enforcement. This is because people with guns are choosing to do harm to others instead of using it to protect yourself.

    -Jason Lam

  7. Americans support expanded background checks for gun buyers and and allowing law officials to seize guns from certain individuals because of mass shootings that have occurred. Democrats have been trying to start a national push for new federal gun restrictions since shootings in El Paso and Ohio. 86 percent of Americans support implementing “red flag” provisions allowing guns to be taken from people that seem to be a danger to themselves or others while 89 percent support expanding federal background checks to cover private sales and gun-show transactions. I believe that expanded background checks should be in place because if we take a way guns from certain individuals, then some gun advocates may seems like red flag laws are violating the 2nd Amendment. I feel like background checks would appease the majority

  8. Backgrounds checks are done to certain extents. I think it's better for the law to regulate gun purchases and laws more frequently. Purchases should depend on many factors of safety, geography, criminal record and more.

    1. Banning guns may reduce mass shootings but guns used properly have still protected human beings and saved their lives.

  9. I think that the selling of guns should give backround checks. Purchases depend on many factors. If you have a clean record you should be able to own guns

  10. Its our right to own a gun. As long as you have a clean backround its okay to own a firearm.

  11. This is definitely a very controversial topic, and i personally think that guns should be banned entirely other than for hunting. I don't think there is a need for normal civilians to have military grade assault rifles. Having guns at home can be an outlet for unstable kids to acquire guns and cause mass shootings.

  12. As long as you complete and pass the background check, you should be able to own a firearm. But if you agree to own a firearm, you should agree to have unknown check-ups to see if you are still capable to own a gun.

  13. I believe that gun laws should be heavily enforced because so many mass shootings have occured due to unlicensed firearm purchases. Some people say that this should not happen because the 2nd Amendment protects this right, but I think it should be revised.

  14. Guns should be heavily regulated. At the moment, it's easier to get a gun than to get a driving licence. Guns being this easy to get in America is what leads to these shootings. That being said, illegalising guns won't stop people from getting them. It also makes it harder to defend against shooters. I personally feel I don't know enough about the issue to take a side, but guns should definitely be harder to get.

  15. gun laws need to be enforced more than it is right now there needs to be stricter laws of those that are right now. there has been to many casualties in the world because gun laws are so loosely kept. almost anyone can buy a gun which is the worst part about these guns they cause serious harm to people. the best way to take care of this is only to get rid of these serious weapons and fight using words or fist something that wont kill.

  16. Guns should be under more strict laws than anything right now, because of all the recent shootings. Anyone can get their hands on a gun, and I believe this should be changed by enforcing strict gun laws.
