- URL of Article: these-are-the-11-border-projects-getting-funds-intended-for-military-constructio
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On Wednesday, September 4th, Trump uses military funds to support his projects to build his wall. According to the Pentagon's news, military construction project funds will be losing $3.6 billion. There will be 11 projects that these funds will be going to including: pedestrian fencing and barriers in San Diego, replacement of vehicle barriers in Texas, and new fencing at the border in Arizona. Such projects is causing our military forces to lose huge amounts of money. I think that this is harming our national security, which puts our lives at risk. If the military isn't able to get the equipment because of the low funds they receive, how are they supposed to protect us? I feel that our security and protection is supposed to be a priority in our country, and if our lives are being put at risk, then I feel that the people should stick up for our safety and do something about it.
Historic Connection:
I connected this issue with the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. This is because in 1996, this act doubled the border patrols that kept immigrants away. It also allowed more fences to be put up. This act is similar to the issue the US is dealing with now because our leader's priority is to restrict many immigrants from entering the country.
Discussion Question: Do you think the decision to take away our military's funds to keep us safe is the right choice? What do you think is more a priority, our safety or building the border?
Our safety is more important than building the wall.
ReplyDeleteI think taking away our military's funds is a bad choice. I think our safety is more important than a wall. We need to keep everyone in our country safe especially with all of the shootings that have been happening recently.
ReplyDeleteI agree that with all of the shootings and attacks we need a stronger military force to stop the shootings and keep us safe.
DeleteOur safety should be the priority. There are already boarders and people guarding and patrolling these areas. Money is getting taken away from the military, that could be needed if faced with war. -natalia rosales
ReplyDeleteour safety our military is way more important then the safety we need from immigrants. our military keeps us safe from many countries that are armed and ready to kill us. Just because we build the wall doesn't mean people still can't sneak in its just harder to do. i believe more of our money should be going to a strong military to protect our country.
ReplyDeleteI believe that funding for the military would be more useful instead of using it on a wall that will cost too much. This border wall will be too long for the US to keep all immigrants coming in to the US illegally out.
ReplyDeletei think our safety is more important. The wall is unnecassary because the immigrants are just trying to come to US for a better life and i agree if they dont get enough funds then we wont be as protected by them.
ReplyDeleteI believe that funding for the military would be super useful instead of using it to build a wall along the boarder of the U.S
ReplyDeleteI believe funding for the wall and military funding is important. So much money goes to the military with our tax dollars and there is no major threat and our military is already very well funded. I think that the wall is a small price to pay for more safety for our country.
ReplyDeleteOur safety obviously trumps building the border. The American military needs its money for important things like defending the country. Building a wall is a waste of money. It's not even going to stop illegal immigrants from crossing over anyway.
ReplyDeleteThe idea of "The Wall" is stupid the funding for this wall could have gone to so many issues that actually need the money. Trumps reasoning for the wall also makes no sense he says that by stopping illegal immigrants terrorist rates will drop, which is clearly untrue. He is focusing on issues from outside of America when he should be looking for solutions that are currently affecting Americans.
ReplyDeleteI believe that funding into the military would be more useful rather than funding the wall.
Deletei strongly disagree with this. It is unfair to take the money away from Military people. This will make us unsafe they will have less money to buy things we need to make us safe. Eventually people will find thier way around it and pass the wall so it is a waste of money
ReplyDeleteI believe taking money from out military is not the right choice. Our military need funds to be able have the equipment to protect our country from any attacks from our countries. The funds on walls are less more important because immigrants will have different method sneaking into the U.S